Friday, August 10, 2007

Good morning principal, vice principal, students and teachers, of Anglican High.

my speech today will be on whether gaming should be included as a subject!

Firstly, i strongly believe in different talents that each individuals possesses. For example, some are more inclined to languages, while some are stronger in Math. It isn't surprising some are just born for gaming - making games and playing them. Every parent will want to witness their own child succeeding, and if their child is not given a chance, how would that be possible? Making games and playing games can just be as educational. While playing games stimulates the brain, it also allows the player to enter a different world apart from the cruel reality that many are afraid to face. Come to think of it, gaming can help instead of harm.

Therefore, with this, rewards should he given to those with talents in gaming. Like bursaries and scholarships, rewards can be given so as to boost the confidence of those not striving in their acadamics, but rather in gameing - something they are good at. Hence with these, i would strongly suggest the implementing of "gaming" as an official subject in our school.

-Who Wants to Know?-
Me. JingLu. 14 going on 15. Yea thats all.

-They Understand-
Yea hope they understand i accidentally deleted all my links while changing skins. Sorry guys.

-Interests That Make Life Better-
None. Lol.

-Stuff That Keeps Me Going-
None either. Lol.

-Take Me On-



-Past Gripes-
January 2007 February 2007 April 2007 June 2007 August 2007